Tag: document

  • Auroville Charter

    Auroville Charter

    On February 28, 1968, the Auroville Charter was broadcast live at Auroville’s inauguration ceremony, read out first in French by The Mother from her room in the Ashram at Pondicherry. It was then read out in other languages by various people present at the inauguration. The Charter was prepared and written in the weeks before…

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  • The Very First “News & Notes”

    The Very First “News & Notes”

    Aurovilians and visitors alike rely on the weekly News & Notes newsletter to keep up-to-date with events and news regarding Auroville. The very first News & Notes (then called “Auroville Notes”) was published way back in December 1975, and was all of 2 typewritten-pages long. This started the long and continuing saga of Auroville’s in-house…

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  • The First Ever Building Application Processed by the ATDC

    The First Ever Building Application Processed by the ATDC

    We are starting a “weekly dose” series of posts, in which each week we showcase an item from the digital archives. This week’s document is a fresh entry into the digital archives. In collaboration with the Auroville Town Development Council (ATDC aka L’avenir d’Auroville), the Archives is currently scanning all the Aurovilian building applications that…

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