Tag: Weekly Dose of History

  • An Auroville Brochure From 1973

    An Auroville Brochure From 1973

    Here is a small pull-out Auroville brochure from 1973 titled “Towards Auroville”, with a nice selection of quotes from The Mother and Sri Aurobindo.

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  • Matrimandir Construction Photos from the 1980s and early-1990s

    Matrimandir Construction Photos from the 1980s and early-1990s

    After the post with photos of Matrimandir construction from the 1970s, here are a few interesting photos from the 1980s and early 1990s.

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  • Matrimandir Construction Photos From the 1970s

    Matrimandir Construction Photos From the 1970s

    While working on the post showcasing one photo from every year of Matrimandir’s construction, we of course came across many more than one engaging photo from some of the years. So in this post we’re putting up some more interesting photos from the 1970s! Some of these photos have appeared in previous posts, but we’re…

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  • Huts at Fraternity

    Huts at Fraternity

    While looking at photos of old keet huts for the past few posts, we found some evocative photos from 1972 of a pyramidal hut located at Fraternity, and some nearby huts. In the last photo we can see cultivated lands around the Auroville lands. Enjoy!

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  • Aspiration View

    Aspiration View

    Here in Auroville we frequently hear tell the memory revisited of being able to see the sea from Aspiration in decades past. Since the past few posts have been on the topic of Aspiration, we thought we’d post this image below, in which are visible the sea on the horizon, and a few aspiration huts…

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  • A Hut at Hope

    A Hut at Hope

    As we at the Archives were posting about pakka buildings at Aspiration and the Aspiration huts from the late-1960s and early-1970s, we were reminded by Anupama Kundoo that an earlier prototype of these huts was designed and built by Roger Anger and his team at Hope, before the Aspiration huts started to be built. So…

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  • Photos of Aspiration Huts by Indra Poddar

    Photos of Aspiration Huts by Indra Poddar

    Before and immediately after Auroville’s inauguration ceremony in February 1968, people coming to live in Auroville were staying at locations such as Forecomers, Promesse, Hope and Nursery Pumphouse. From 1969 onwards, huts started to be constructed at Aspiration, which soon became the largest community in Auroville. Here the well known (world famous in Auroville) huts…

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  • Then/Now – Health Center

    Then/Now – Health Center

    A couple of weeks ago we had posted about pakka buildings constructed in the Aspiration area in the early 1970s. Among these were a couple of photos of the Health Center building: We went back to the Health Center to see what the building looks like today. The original building is still intact and in…

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  • Then/Now – Aspiration Bridge and Handmade Paper Factory

    Then/Now – Aspiration Bridge and Handmade Paper Factory

    Another pakka building that came up in the Aspiration area in the early 1970s was the Handmade Paper Factory building. Here is a construction photo of the bridge over the Aspiration “canyon” (which should properly be labelled a gully) with the factory behind it from January 1972. The next photo is of the bridge as…

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  • Cultural Pavilions Brochure

    Cultural Pavilions Brochure

    This brochure from 1974 is quite different from the ones published before it, in that it focuses on a specific aspect of the future township. The city area of Auroville is divided into four zones: Residential, Cultural, Industrial and International, apart from the Peace Area at its heart. In the International Zone are to be…

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